What are dimples?
First of all, dimples are a beautiful facial feature that is a result of a muscle deformity. Dimples are a genetically inherited trait but there actually exist a lot of ways to get dimples naturally.
There are two types of dimples: on the cheek and chin, and their nature is different. It is quite difficult to create natural dimples on the chin as they are caused by a crack in the chin. The dimples in the cheek are no less complicated, but you can “teach” your muscles to create dimples. Some people have a dimple only on one side.
Below are some tips on how to get dimples naturally, with no harm to skin, teeth, etc.

Tip #1. Press and hold
This is another folk tip to get dimples fast. This tip will help you put the dimples on as quickly as a gown for some significant event.
How to apply it? Firstly you need to determine the deepest point of your cheeks. Then, put your thumb tips on these points and hold for 30 minutes. Remember to perform this skin dimpling exercise before going to sleep or when getting ready for an event. Also, you can use the forefinger or pencil to make it somewhat easier. Don’t forget to cut your nails to avoid damaging your skin
Tip #2. Perform cheek exercises
Similar to body muscles, facial muscles can be trained. By making some unsophisticated grimaces, it is possible to get those desirable dimples.
Make a face like you are eating lemon or something very sour. If you can simulate this expression easily, no need to eat a lemon. Don’t clench your teeth but tighten the lips together. As this procedure is aimed at getting the naturally-looking dimples, try not to overdue on puckering your lips and pulling your cheeks in.
This method is a folk remedy, and it is not supported by any scientific evidence but doing cheek exercises is claimed to be helpful.
Tip #3. Smile wide!

It’s thought that getting dimples in a few minutes is impossible, however, smiling is considered the safest and the most natural way to get dimples in the long run. It’s not only an effective remedy for stress but a cool beauty enhancement tool. In order to get the most out of this tip, you should smile widely but naturally.
It’s quite true that the dimples developed by smiling are easy to disappear, so you might need to apply this tip quite often.
Tip4. Apply makeup
Dimples usually have some moon shape looking like a dot crossing a line. You can use a brown pencil eyeliner or eyebrow pencil, or draw your desired dimples yourself. Don’t you use black and colored eyeliners that don’t make the skin look natural. Once the dot is marked, draw a small, slightly curved line. The final step is to blend and redraw if needed to make it appear as subtle and natural as possible.
It can’t be denied that dimples make people look more adorable. Many people including celebrities spend a lot of money to get this distinctive feature. Here, we are sharing a few useful, safe, and cost-free tips on how to make dimples with those who are not born with them. Hope, they help!