Dark brown hair is stunning. There are different shades of this natural color that can make anyone’s hair shine and want anyone to immediately dye their hair brunette. Although the term is blondes have more fun, we aren’t so sure with this stunning color-making waves in the industry.
If dark brown hair is your thing or you want to go dark, here are some of our favorite shades.
1. Deep Brown
This deep brown is perfect for the colder months.

2. Chocolate
Dark chocolate color is a right way to go.

3. Brown Lob
A brown lob is a great shorter style.

4. Buttery Brown
This butter brown color is a gorgeous color for anyone looking to go dark.

5. Dark Hues
A dark brown is stunning on any hairstyle.

6. Auburn Brown
An auburn brown color gives you a great shade of brown.

7. Oak Brown
A deep oakey brown color looks beautiful.

8. Feathered Brown
Have fun with your feathered bob and brown color.

9. Dark Chocolate
A dark chocolate style gives you a velvet style.

10. Brown Mixture
Mix your brown color to give your hair a lot of dimension.

11. Angled Brown Hair
With an a-line style a dark brown looks perfect.

12. Brown Ombre
A brown ombre looks stunning.

13. Summer Brown
A summer brown is fun and flirty.

14. Balayage
Have fun with your brown balayage coloring.

15. Dark Side
Going for a chop and a dark brown always looks beautiful on all hair types.

16. Pop of Color
Lighten your dark hair up with a pop of lighter brown.

17. Smokey Brown
Your brown never has to be boring.

18. Honey Melt
Let your brown be revived with a little honey.

19. Chestnut
Go on the chestnut side of browns.

20. Tawny
This brown has all the shine that you need.

21. Neutral Brown
If you want to meet in the middle this brown is perfect.

22. Dark Toffee
Choosing to go a little darker with your toffee color results in beautiful hair.

23. Nutmeg
Nutmeg is gorgeous color to try.

24. Clove
A lob and dark style is just what you need.

25. Maple
Change your brown colors up a bit.

26. Ashy
An ashy brown hair has a little extra pop.

27. Cinnamon
A bright and powerful brown hue is trendy.

28. Fudge Waves
This deep and dark brown looks stunning with some waves.

29. Confidence
A deep brown will leave you feeling confident.

30. Walnut
An array of different browns melt into a stunning style.

Brown hair is anything but boring. What brown color is your favorite?
Source: Hair
30 Deep Dark Brown Hair Styles