Warning signs of liver damage


2.Your ankle and legs will swell.

Warning signs of liver damage

The worst thing you can do is ignore your liver problems. If you do, the liver will have to try to repair itself by forming scar tissue. Increased scar tissue makes it extremely difficult for the liver to function correctly.

This will eventually lead to portal hypertension. Gate hypertension is high blood pressure inside the portal veins. This will cause fluid to accumulate in your legs. The swelling is not painful, but it is a direct sign that the liver may be overloaded with toxins.

3.Weight gain

Warning signs of liver damage

This can be an easy sign to note, especially if you lead a healthy and active lifestyle. If you exercise daily and have a healthy diet, being overweight should be a red sign for you. If you notice that you are gaining weight, not because of overeating or a hormonal imbalance, see your doctor.

When the liver is unable to handle all upcoming toxins, it should store unfiltered toxins in the fat cells. The only way to start losing weight again is to help cleanse the liver.

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