What Are The Hazards of UV?


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation that is emitted by the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning beds. While it has some benefits for people, including the creation of Vitamin D, it also can cause health risks.

Here are the common harmful effects that UV rays can cause to the body:

Skin Cancer

Prolonged exposure to the sun without protection can cause skin cell cancer and form melanoma. UV rays are the main cause of 90% of skin cancers.

Some signs of skin cancer that can be easily recognized:

– Unusual appearance of moles

– There are hard, yellow pimples on the eyelids

– Small red or purple lump appear

– Dry, scaly skin.

– Red and purple patches appear on the skin

Fire and Tanning

Sunburn is caused by absorbing UV energy. The blood will move to the sunburned area by self-healing mechanism, which is why your skin turns red.

This condition can get worse, and develop  into skin cancer if not treated promptly.

Immune System Damage

UV rays have the ability to suppress the immune system, changing the distribution of white blood cells within 24 hours of exposure to the sun.

Repeating this often will seriously damage your immune system.

Eye Damage

Eye burns, keratitis or cataracts are all caused by prolonged exposure to high-intensity ultraviolet rays, even when the amount of sunlight is low.

Aging Skin

UV rays have the ability to destroy collagen and connective tissue under the skin, create wrinkles, cause melasma / freckles, dark skin, uneven skin tone which only affects to our health but also aesthetically, no one likes a wrinkled, dark skin.

Therefore, finding ways to prevent UV rays is essential, especially for women who are entering the hot, uncomfortable summer.

aging skin

Efficient Ways To Prevent UV Radiation

There are many ways to help women protect their skin against UV rays, and Hairstylishes will summarize some of the most popular ways today as following:


Even if it’s not summer, you should still use sunscreen daily to prevent UVA and UVB rays from damaging your skin. The SPF number on the sunscreen product will tell you how well it protects your skin from damage. You should choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Wear thick clothes

Sunlight can penetrate thin layers of clothing, so increasing the thickness of your clothing to reduce UV exposure to your skin is a very good way to prevent it

In addition, bringing along umbrellas, wide-brimmed hats, gloves, and sunglasses will help you protect the whole body, especially during the hot sunny times of the day when you have to go out.


Avoid eating sweet or greasy foods. Instead, add more vegetables and fruits rich in potassium such as: jute vegetables, spinach, strawberries, bananas, ..to  supplement essential vitamins for the skin.

Choose a time to go out

As mentioned, the time of the highest UV intensity of the day is from 10 am to 16 pm, so you should limit going out during this time. Currently, there are many applications that help measure the intensity of UV rays every time you have a need to go out.


Besides the ways to prevent UV rays that Hairstylishes has shared above, summer skin care or skin care after going out is extremely necessary.


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