4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know


The dark spots on the back are definitely the enemy of sexy, seductive backless dresses. Don’t worry if you are facing this situation. Refer to the following ways to treat back acne spots and to freely wear your favorite dresses with confidence!

In fact back skin is usually not as sensitive as facial skin. Therefore, you can use natural ingredients that are a bit strong to make the darkening removing process more effective. The ingredients below are proven to be safe and have been widely applied, so you just need to use the right dosage to get the skin whitening best method.

Method 1 – Bath with Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar contains many natural acids that have the ability to reduce inflammation caused by acne and dark spots on the skin. In addition, this material also has the effect of making the skin smoothier if used regularly. Because of its mild acidity, apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted with water before using directly on sensitive skin and you should limit sexy clothes,and avoid sunlight while using apple cider vinegar.

4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know

How to do:

  • Mix vinegar with clean water in the ratio 1:4.
  • Mix this solution with bath water, don’t worry about the smell because it will quickly go away.
  • Replace regular shower gel with apple cider vinegar for 1 month, you will get a smooth and seductive back.

Method 2 – Mixture of lemon + honey

Lemon works to treat back dark acne effectively thanks to the Vitamin C abundant, combined with hydrogen peroxide in honey to help quickly heal wounds due to acne, reduce darkening without damaging the skin.
With the strong acidity of lemon, you should only use it once or twice a week in the evening. Also, you need to carefully cover your back when going out to avoid being burned in the sun.

  • How to do:
  • Mix lemon and honey in the ratio 1:1.
  • Dip a thin slice of lemon in the mixture and rub the dark spots on your back for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Method 3 – Sea salt for acne treatment and skin exfoliation

Sea salt is extremely famous for removing dead cells on the skin and making the skin softer and brighter. Besides, sea salt also works against acne bacteria, cleans the skin, and make the acne marks ‘fly away’ very effectively.

How to do:

  • Sea salt can be used directly on the skin or diluted with a little water.
  • Use a soft, thin towel to soak up salt water and rub evenly on ​​​​the skin with dark spots and acne.
  • Massage gently for about 5-10 minutes to help remove dead cells and improve blood circulation.
  • Rinse off with clean cool water.
  • Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying out.

Method 4 – Treatment of back acne with turmeric

Turmeric is known as one of the effective ingredients in the treatment of acne due to its high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (thanks to Curcumin).

4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know

How to do:

  • Cut turmeric into slices and rub it on the acne-affected skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Shower again and rinse with cool water.

If the bruise is quite dark, try combining it with lemon juice because the acidity of the lemon will make the dark layer dry and peel off faster. You should only use the mixture about once a week.

  • Puree fresh turmeric or turmeric powder mix with lemon juice into a slightly thick paste.
  • Apply in a dark area for about 10 minutes.

With the acne treatments above, acne scars will quickly disappear. Although the skin is not as sensitive as the face, you still need to be careful when using natural ingredients to get the best results. Follow Hairstylishes.com every day to update super cool natural beauty secrets!


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