Make Sure To Ditch These Fashion Trends If You Do Not Want To Appear Old And Tacky


Wrong Color Makeup

People wear makeup because they want their skin to appear better than it really is. But you defeat the purpose if you do not put on the right shade of bronzer and color foundation. Mismatched makeup is only making to give your face an ashy look. You can always ask for help at the makeup counter.

Glitter Overload

Glittery makeup is one of those trends that should be reserved for teenagers and no one else. The sparkles are only going to make people look at your eyes, as well as your wrinkles and lines. When you get to a certain age, this is exactly the opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

Blue Eyeshadow

When you are picking an eyeshadow, blue is a color that you will probably want to avoid. They tend to make you look older, after all. Don’t worry, you can still wear eyeshadow. However, you need to use nude colors if you want to seem younger and chicer. Beiges, tans, and greys make for excellent choices.

Overdrawn Lips

Anyone on Instagram will know that overdrawn and heavily lined lips a la Kylie Jenner is all the rage. However, you need to be careful if you try this trend. After all, it is very easy to get this look wrong. What we recommend is staying true to the shape of your lips and figuring out how to make it pop.

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