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8 Things To Do At Night To Have A Good Night’s Sleep


Reading, turning off the phone, taking a warm bath… are the things you should do before going to bed to get a good and deep sleep.

It’s completely true that evening is a very important time to prepare for a good night’s sleep. You must let your mind completely relax and forget about the worries in life. Here are 8 things you need to do to have a better quality sleep:

Read books

Books are a man’s ideal friend every night. Have you heard this before? Even just reading 2 to 3 pages of a book can help reduce stress. It is important not to read thrilling and horror works, instead, read gentle and romantic books or stories. Right before you go to bed tonight, keep the book with you.

Listen to music

Music relaxes your body and mind, so end a hard day with soothing, soothing music. Play your favorite playlist for about 10 to 15 minutes to help calm your body, you will feel extremely comfortable. Music also helps with insomnia problems.

Take snack only  in the evening

Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, preferably salads and soups only. It is important that you eat at least 2 hours before going to bed because the body needs enough time to digest it.

Avoid drinking coffee

Do not drink coffee or any other stimulant before going to bed. Also, avoid eating chocolate because they contain caffeine which is not good for your sleep.

Things To Do At Night To Have A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep in a dark room

Researchers have proven lying in a dark space can help you sleep more deeply. If you are not afraid of the dark, you should turn off all the lights before going to bed. This is the best way for the body to fall into a state of complete sleep. In addition, you should also keep the room and mattress clean before going to bed.

Relax your mind

The first rule is to not let your mind wander before going to bed. Stress causes many problems for the body and insomnia is one of them. Do what you enjoy, this is what puts your mind at ease. If possible, practicing breathing before bed will help relax your mind, so you will have a better sleep.

Turn off the phone

Phones are your “life”, but stay away from them when you go to bed. Do not chat or read the news before going to bed, but leave it in silent mode or turn off the phone, so that your mind is completely free, so you will have a better sleep.

Things To Do At Night To Have A Good Night's Sleep


Get into this habit before going to bed, because hot water can help your senses relax more. Many studies have shown that taking a hot bath helps reduce stress. Therefore, before going to bed, take a bath for 5 minutes, it will help you have a deeper sleep.

I hope these tips help! Sleep well everyone

Causes Of Hair Loss And How To Fix It

Your hair, which is thin now, falls out even more leaving you feeling depressed and depressed? Do you have to go to the hairdresser to have your hair extensions, even to wear a wig? What are the causes of hair loss and how to fix them?

Let’s refer to the causes that may be the culprit causing your hair to become thinner and thinner, and from there you will be able to have a thorough solution and regain confidence!

Improper diet

Causes Of Hair Loss And How To Fix It

There are more than 95% of nutrients in the blood that nourishes the hair. Vitamin H (Biotin) and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) are two indispensable elements for hair strength. People who follow a weight loss diet, vegetarians, or those who have just undergone therapy or are sick are more prone to hair loss. Therefore, to improve hair loss, you should eat sensibly, supplement with enough vitamins for your body, and avoid fast or sugary foods.

Using medicine to treat disease

As mentioned above, a person who is ill or undergoing long-term drug treatment will also experience hair loss. Because of the influence of some drugs, it has taken away the nutrients that nourish the hair, changing the hair growth process, causing hair loss. When the treatment is over, and you stop using the drug, the hair will recover. Then you should look for natural remedies to help your hair recover faster.

Using too many hair services

Curling, straightening, dyeing … too much will increase the pressure on the hair by heat and chemicals. They cause the lipid layers and keratin scales in the hair cuticle to not bond tightly, leading to dry hair core and atrophy of hair follicles. Before deciding to have your hair done, ask yourself if your hair is weak or strong, the most recent hairdo, and at the same time choose reputable products on the market, avoid floating hairdressing chemicals of unknown origin.


Hereditary hair loss is only seen in men while women are not affected. This means that when a father suffers from male pattern baldness, his son will inherit it and it is very difficult to avoid. If someone in the family has baldness, you should prevent it early and actively treat it with hair conditioners to help slow down the hair loss process and reduce the degree of baldness.

Causes Of Hair Loss And How To Fix It

Stress and fatigue

Stress stimulates the body to release the telogen effluvium, which causes your hair to “retire”.Moreover, telogen effluvium can also cause the immune system to lose control, causing white blood cells to attack hair follicles, causing hair loss. You need to eliminate depression, have a comfortable mind, balanced nutrition, get enough sleep, create good habits and mental health to contribute to healthy, beautiful hair.

Scalp disease

The effects of skin diseases: fungus, psoriasis, eczema… also make the scalp inflamed, changing the structure of the hair which can make the hair vulnerable. Its impact also causes clogged pores, causing hair roots to be blocked, and hair can not grow back. When experiencing this condition, you need to visit a specialist facility to be examined and determine the cause of the disease. You should absolutely not arbitrarily use antifungal drugs, topical drugs …

There are many other reasons for hair loss as well. You can find out and add them to the list.

11 Amazing Beauty Tips For Girls

1. How to keep eyelashes curled longer: To keep the curled eyelashes longer, before using an eyelash curler, dry the tip of the clip with a dryer and then clip the eyelashes as usual. Be careful not to touch your eyelids to cause burns.

2. Use liquid eyeliner instead of mascara: If the new mascara runs out and you haven’t bought a new one yet, use liquid eyeliner instead. Don’t forget to use a waterproof type.

3. Blow-drying “standard” hair: After washing your hair, bend down and dry your hair from bottom to top, and from outside to inside to make your hair naturally beautiful. This drying method also helps the hair dry faster.

4. How to make nail polish dry quickly: After you finish painting your nails, dip your hands in a basin of water with a few ice cubes on them, they will help the paint color even and dry faster.

11 Amazing Beauty Tips For Girls

5. How to keep the scent of perfume longer: Applying a little unscented moisturizer on the skin before applying perfume will help the scent linger on the skin longer.

6. How to use lipstick as blush: Just apply a little lipstick on your cheeks and then use your fingers to blend it, and you’ll have lovely pink cheeks right away.

7. Handling broken lipstick: Unfortunately, your beloved lipstick is broken. What should you do? Don’t worry, you should heat the fallen lipstick, then reattach it to its old position. It’s as simple as that and you have the same lipstick as before.

8. Make your eyelashes look thicker: After applying the first thin coat of mascara, apply a little baby powder on your eyelids and apply a second coat of mascara.

11 Amazing Beauty Tips For Girls

9. How to cure dry mascara: Put the long-lasting mascara in a bowl of hot water about 70 degrees for about 3 to 5 minutes, then you will see the mascara turn into liquid and there is no more clumping.

10. Use lipstick to keep your eyebrows and hair in place: If you always feel uncomfortable with newly-growing eyebrows or hairs that refuse to grow in line, use a little colorless lip balm. Gently, they will obediently lie still.

11. In order to tie your hair in a high ponytail and make it more beautiful, use 2 parallel bobby pins from the top down to make the ponytail high and thick. This way your hair will look much more impressive.

Above are some good tips that girls should include in their “beauty handbook”. Hope those help!

The healthiest way to dye your hair

According to many scientific studies, hair dye can cause bad effects on users’ health. The truth is, chemical-laden hair dyes can irritate your scalp and cause hair thinning or loss in some people — while the long-term health effects are not yet known.

So what can we do to have the safest hair dye? Follow these tips for best results:

Options when first dying your hair:

– Use only branded and natural hair dyes.

– Check the shelf life of the hair dye and test your body’s reaction before using it. It’s best to conduct a test patch on the skin to rule out possible allergic reactions before applying the dye to your hair.

– It’s better to wait at least 6 months from the first to the second time of dying so that you can neutralize your health and beauty.

– You should only dye your hair when it is healthy (in case the hair is damaged before, you should take care of it until it recovers).

healthiest way to dye your hair

– Should wash your hair before dying, rinse gently to avoid scratching or causing damage to the scalp, which makes the drug quickly absorbed into the blood.

– Most importantly, avoid applying the dye close to the scalp. It is recommended to use a cream to separate the scalp from the dye

– It is recommended to mix the dye with a softening conditioner to help prevent the hair from becoming dehydrated and dry.

– Don’t leave the dye on your hair for longer than the instructions suggest.

– Never mix different hair color formulations.

– Never attempt to dye eyelashes or eyebrows with hair dye. This can damage your eyes permanently and could even cause blindness.

Hair care after dying your hair:

Choose a shampoo with moisturizing ingredients for skin and hair. Especially,  do not use shampoos with mint ingredients because they will fade the hair color.

– It is recommended to periodically steam your hair or condition your hair at home by insulating it with cold insulation once a week. the best incubation time: from 20-30 minutes

– Protect your hair and scalp when going out such as: wearing a hat, or an umbrella.

– You are advised to have a reasonable diet and activities.

How to dye your hair at home:

– Always wear gloves when applying or mixing hair dye.

healthiest way to dye your hair

– Wear a face mask, and do not forget to wear an old dark towel to avoid hair dye on your body and clothes.

– Understand the hair dying cycle, dying techniques, and follow instructions.

– Washing combined with massage after dying will help wash away the dye and reduce hair loss.

Hair dye with herbs

If you want to avoid exposure to the chemicals contained in most artificial hair dyes, consider trying a natural substitute like a plant-based henna dye or another all-natural hair color product.

In addition to chemical hair dye, dyes extracted from herbs are also used more nowadays. Herbal dyes have the advantage of not being toxic to the hair, and they can bring you very natural hair colors.

9 Benefits of Early Sleep Not Everyone Knows

According to scientists, adults need to sleep 6 hours a day while children need 8-12 hours of sleep or more depending on their age. It’s true that in order to get enough sleep and wake up early in the morning, we need to go to bed early. The benefits of going to bed early are much more effective and better than taking drugs and supporting foods. If you regularly maintain the habit of going to bed early, you will feel many unexpected changes in a positive direction. If you want to know what those benefits are, keep on reading.

1. Less worry

Through surveys, the results show that people who stay up late often have anxiety and negative thoughts in their heads. This is because when you stay up too late, you will always feel alone because the people around are asleep and the space is quiet. At this point, just a slight noise somewhere outside can startle you. Night after night it will gradually build up fear in you unconsciously.

Not to mention, when staying up late alone, many people often reminisce about old stories, remember the past unhappy, sad, and have negative thoughts that make them depressed and pessimistic. These thoughts also make it difficult for you to fall asleep even after lying down on the bed. Unknowingly, this also becomes a habit, every time you go to bed, you think that it is difficult to sleep and have to stay up late.

Therefore, people who go to bed early and on time will often have less to think, worry, spirit, mind to be comfortable to help them be happy, not stressed.

2. Positive mood

Benefits of Early Sleep

Going to bed late, or having to wake up early in the morning to go to work and school will always make you fall into a state of anxiety, stress, and fatigue. When you go to bed late, you will often have trouble falling asleep (because it’s past bedtime, your body will often “assume” you will stay up all night). By the time you’ve fallen asleep and are barely asleep, it’s time to wake up. At this time, most people’s general mood is that they just fell asleep and still want to sleep, and don’t want to wake up. So if you wake up, you will feel sluggish, tired, and have no strength.

When you go to work or school, you always fall asleep and want to sleep. This makes you easily scowl, irritable with everything around, especially with noise. Accordingly, you can not think positively because your mind is always stressed.

Therefore, people who sleep early will have the opposite state. They are playful, comfortable, refreshing, and always think positively to solve everything.

3. Be more productive

Staying up late and getting up early is a phrase we often hear to refer to hard-working people. However, this is not true of science. Because, when you stay up late, you can’t get up early but be alert enough to work effectively. Thus, if you keep repeating the cycle like that, it will make you tired, weak, and even bring many unwanted diseases.

When you stay up late, wake up in the morning you just “crave” to sleep, think slower and work less flexibly than those who sleep early and get enough sleep. Those who have adequate, comfortable sleep will definitely have better work quality and performance than those who stay up late and don’t get enough sleep.

4. Increase resistance, less disease in the cold season

The body’s resistance plays an important role in keeping the body healthy. People with strong resistance are less likely to get sick and can fight off invading bacteria. One of the simplest ways to strengthen the body’s resistance is to sleep early and get enough sleep. Instead of having to use vitamins or supplements, going to bed early is a simple job, bringing benefits quickly without worrying about side effects or affecting health later.

5. Better skin

Going to bed early, feeling relaxed, happy, automatically looks younger and fresher. Not to mention, when you sleep early, your body will have time and the opportunity to replace old cells with new ones. Thanks to this replacement, you will always have fresh, youthful, and rosy skin.

On the contrary, when you lose sleep, sleep late, not to mention the dull, pale skin lacking vitality, but also make the dark circles under the eyes darker and darker, affecting the overall beauty of the face. Therefore, women who want to be beautiful, need to sleep early.

6. Reduce the risk of dangerous diseases

Most of the dangerous, life-threatening diseases can be caused by you often staying up late. Because, when staying up late, the organs work all day tired, damaged but do not have enough time to restore and repair this damage. Moreover, staying up late also often uses foods and stimulants, the body can not eliminate toxins in a short time. Therefore, problems inside your body, especially damaged cells, are more likely to flare up and develop into unknown diseases.

7. Good for the heart

Benefits of Early Sleep

Scientists have studied and shown that people who often sleep less than 5 hours will have a higher risk of dangerous diseases, in which the risk of heart disease is higher than those who usually sleep early, and get enough sleep to 40 %. So, if you want to avoid this dangerous disease, you need to go to bed early. It is better to sleep early before 10 o’clock than to sleep late after 10 o’clock.

8. Reduce the risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a dangerous disease that often affects women. An unexpected factor that causes the disease that many people do not think about is lack of sleep, or going to bed late after 11 o’clock. If you often stay up late but also have to work, exposed to the light from technology devices. This is the main cause of destroying the hormone that inhibits tumors, especially breast tumors. Therefore, women should take care of themselves, avoiding dangerous and unpredictable diseases.

9. Feeling safe

Lack of sleep, sleeping late makes the nerves tired, stressed, unable to concentrate. Therefore, whatever you do, you will feel sluggish and sluggish. If you are driving without being able to concentrate, it is very dangerous. Not only is it dangerous for yourself, but it’s also dangerous for those around you and unrelated people.

Those who sleep well and go to bed early, the spirit is always awake, will create a sense of security for yourself and everyone around.

8 Things To Do At Night To Have A Good Night’s Sleep
8 Things To Do At Night To Have A Good Night’s Sleep

Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Leaves

Lemons have been around us for years, and no one can’t deny that lemon is a flavored fruit. A small quantity of lemon juice can make its presence in foods and beverages. When we add a few drops of lemon juice to the curries, soup, or drinks, it elevates the taste. 

Also, lemon leaves are very good for our health. Here following are the 7 main amazing health benefits of lemon leaves that you might not know.

1. Lemon leaves are sedative and help us to sleep more easily

Lemon leaves have sedative properties and contain antispasmodic components which can be used to treat nervous disorders such as insomnia, nervousness, and heart palpitations.

To treat these disorders, you need to soak 5-7 lemon leaves in a cup of hot water for about 15 minutes. Consistently drinking lemon leaf tea regularly twice a day for at least a month, and you will see an improvement then.

2. Flu medicine

If you have severe flu, you can use lemon leaves to defeat the flu virus because they contain nutrients that can help create white blood cells to make the body’s natural immunity. Therefore, you should add lemon leaves to the daily menu through salads, soups, or mixed with drinking water to prevent flu.

3. Lemon leaves can cure abdominal pain

Lemon leaves are also used much in the treatment of colic.

Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Leaves

4. Relax your mind and reduce stress

Working overload can sometimes put you in a state of stress that can make you lose sleep and feel unwell even though you are not sick. At that time, breathe and smell the natural scent of lemon leaves to relax your mind and body.

In addition, thanks to the attire oil in lemon leaves, drinking boiled lemonade or served in salads will help improve mood and reduce stress.

5. Natural antibiotics

Few people know that lemon leaves have antibiotic functions to protect the body from diseases. When you are tired or feel your immunity is weakened, boil lemon leaves and drink this warm water every morning to increase energy before starting a new day.

6. Inhibits skin aging

Vitamin C in lemon leaves is not as much as in lemons, but it is still a natural antioxidant, helping the body fight free radicals.

7. Lemon leaves help strengthen the body’s endurance with high vitamin C content, lemon leaves have the effect of improving the body’s resistance and immune system. Therefore, using remedies from lemon leaves is one of the ways to create a “barrier” to protect the body from the invasion of harmful viruses and bacteria.

Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Leaves

7 Secrets to Owning Beautiful Feet


Let’s join us to discover 7 secrets to owning beautiful feet that will help you be confident in any situation.

Summer is also the time when women can confidently show off their short skirts, and beautiful legs that not everyone has. It’s a matter of fact that there are many women who only focus on taking care of their face, hands, and body skin but forget an important weapon that creates charm and sexiness when wearing short skirts, which is beautiful feet.

1. Let your feet relax

7 Secrets to Owning Beautiful Feet

The feet have to move and move a lot every day, so spend 15-20 minutes a day soaking your feet to give this part of your body a chance to rest and relax. The simplest way to do this is to dissolve 2 tablespoons of sea salt in warm water to soak. Then use large, smooth pebbles to massage along the instep and soles of the feet or rub the legs and toes together to exfoliate and purify toxins. Saltwater helps soften calluses, disinfect if the heels are cracked, and remove toxins in the body. So why don’t you try this to both relax and have more beautiful feet?

2. Evens out the color of the feet

Most of our feet have uneven patches of skin because there are parts of the skin that are exposed to the sun and some are not. You don’t have to spend money on expensive treatments or whitening creams because you can take care of your skin at home to make your feet look better. Please follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Heat milk, add a little salt, and a little lemon juice.

Step 2: Mix all 3 ingredients together and apply on your feet.

Step 3: Gently massage the mixture so that it can absorb into the skin.

Step 4: Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

This method needs to be done regularly to promote the effect of even skin tone.

3. Treatment of cracked feet

The phenomenon of dry and cracked skin in the cold season is very common for many people. To be able to improve this situation, you can apply 2 small skincare tips as below:

Method 1: Apply a little Vaseline to dry or cracked feet and leave it overnight. Then wash it off with clean water the next morning. You only need 1 to 2 days to notice the difference on your feet.

Method 2: Crush a banana and apply it to the dry and cracked skin of the feet, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

4. Moisturize your feet

Just like the rest of the skin on the body, your feet also need to be moisturized, kept smooth, and soft. There are two basic ways you can apply as follows:

Method 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with warm water and apply the mixture evenly on the feet. Gently massage your feet for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Method 2: Dip a cotton ball in olive oil, apply to your feet, and massage in circular motions for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep the olive oil on your feet for about an hour and then wash it off with warm water.

7 Secrets to Owning Beautiful Feet

5. Exfoliate your feet

Your feet’ skin is exposed to a lot of dirt, that’s why regular exfoliation is a way to help you get beautiful feet every day. Check out how to exfoliate your feet as follows:

Step 1: Pour warm water into a bowl of water mixed with a little lemon juice.

Step 2: Gently soak your feet in this water for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 3: Use a foot scrub brush to remove the dead skin cells on the feet.

6. Foot mask

Take some time in the evening to take care of your feet with nourishing foot masks with vitamin ingredients such as honey, fresh milk, bananas, cucumbers…

Do it by applying a layer of honey to the skin of your feet, leave it on for about 20 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. Keep doing this regularly. at least once a week will give you soft, rosy skin.

7. Foot protection

Our feet are a part of our body that is always directly exposed to UV rays and prone to sunburn, especially in the summer. Each time applying sunscreen, you should remember to apply more cream to your feet and the area between your toes to prevent sun damage as well as bring softness and health to your feet.

What Vitamins You Should Take To Get Rid of Acne


Acne skin is the skin that suffers a lot of damage and needs additional nutrients to rebuild the protective barrier. So what vitamin should you take to get rid of acne?

Vitamin A

You’ve probably heard of retinol, which is a derivative of vitamin A that is commonly used to treat acne. As we all know, acne is caused by the accumulation of dirt, dead cells, and sebum that clog pores, creating conditions for bacteria to grow.

Vitamin A is said to have the ability to regulate sebum, helping to control the amount of oil that the body secretes. Since then, the condition of congestion is effectively improved.

In addition, there are also studies that show that vitamin A can support the skin against the effects of acne-causing bacteria P. acnes, reducing acne on the skin.

Besides, with high antioxidant capacity, this vitamin helps to increase collagen, regenerate cells, make skin firmer and smoother. Pores are also minimized, preventing acne from returning.

What Vitamins You Should Take To Get Rid of Acne

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an indispensable nutrient, with its antioxidant ability, helps to increase collagen, creates a protective barrier for the skin.

Adequate intake of vitamin C will help the immune system function effectively. Since then, acne spots, swelling, redness, and redness are improved. This nutrient also enhances the ability to fight inflammation, prevent acne, pustules. Besides, vitamin C also brings the ability to fade dark spots left by acne, tighten pores, for smoother skin.

The vitamin C supplement for acne skin can be used as a dietary supplement under the advice of a doctor (no more than 60mg per day).

With the daily diet, you should add to the menu names such as orange, tangerine, lemon, guava, mango, cauliflower, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.

Vitamin B

What Vitamins You Should Take To Get Rid of Acne

Vitamin B has many forms, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, … Most of the B vitamins provide effective acne support.

For examples:

Vitamin B1 removes toxins, strengthens the skin’s resistance.
Vitamin B3 helps the skin become healthier by promoting metabolic processes. This prevents bacteria from attacking the skin.
Vitamin B5 is anti-inflammatory, helps heal inflamed acne spots, redness, the skin quickly recovers, prevents bruises and scars after acne.

Vitamin B6 helps regulate excess oil on the skin, tighten pores and prevent acne.
Vitamin B7 helps maintain moisture on the skin, preventing dry skin from skin diseases such as dermatitis.
Vitamin B9 balances moisture, both treating acne and treating dark spots, and nourishing healthy and beautiful skin.
You can find B vitamins from whole grains, eggs, fish, nuts, avocados, and green vegetables.

Vitamin D

The addition of vitamin D will effectively support your acne treatment process thanks to the benefits that this nutrient brings as follows:

Vitamins are said to be essential nutrients for healthy skin. Because they give the ability to strengthen the skin’s immune system, promote the repair of damaged tissues.

Acne nodules, inflamed pustules will be improved if you know how to fully supplement vitamin D.

With the ability to enhance keratin regeneration, vitamin D will help skin texture become firmer and smoother. Skin will be smooth and healthy.

Therefore, for thin, damaged acne skin, it will be improved when taking vitamin D.

In addition, according to many studies, vitamin D brings positive changes in the treatment and prevention of psoriasis.

Besides the aforementioned vitamins, you should also add minerals like zinc if you, unfortunately, have acne-prone skin.

Vitamin D can be synthesized when the skin absorbs sunlight in the early morning. Or you should supplement with functional foods or vegetables.

10 Golden Rules to Protect Your Heart

Women at menopause have a higher risk of heart disease because this is the period when sex hormones that protect the heart have decreased and completely disappeared, making room for accumulation of too much cholesterol. To protect the heart from these hidden enemies, there are 10 principles doctors recommend us to apply.

1. Reduce food portions:

A varied and nutritious diet will reduce the risk of heart disease. We should eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and fish than red meat, and change the menu with vegetables twice to three times a week and also do not forget to make the dishes more attractive with a variety of spices, vegetable oils instead of using fat or butter. In particular, do not eat too many salty foods.

2. Monitor cholesterol: 

High in animal liver and some other foods such as butter, eggs, meat…, cholesterol is an indispensable fat for the body. However, if it is stored too much in the blood (more than 2g/l), it will be very dangerous. Cholesterol will stick to the walls of arteries, especially those near the heart, causing these vessels to narrow, blocking the flow of blood, and causing artery blockage. In order to avoid this phenomenon, we should drink less alcohol, reduce eating fatty foods, and limit weight gain and do not smoke.

10 Golden Rules to Protect Your Heart

3. Do not drink a lot of alcohol: 

Drinking alcohol in small doses is beneficial to health, but drinking too much will increase the pressure in the arteries. This is the phenomenon of high blood pressure, which is known as the enemy of the heart. Alcohol has high calories which increase weight gain and create conditions for the occurrence of high blood pressure and diabetes.

4. Drink plenty of water:

Drink plenty of water even if you’re not thirsty as one of the tips to protect the heart. Also, you should not drink a lot of carbonated water but for filtered water, mineral water or lemon juice, or water with a cooling effect. Tea and coffee are two types of beverages that have a stimulating effect on the heart. Juices are also very good for your health, however, it’s advisable not to overuse them because they contain very high sugar which is not good for your health.

5. Check your blood pressure regularly:

Blood pressure is hereditary. If parents have high blood pressure, the children are more likely to have it, especially after the age of 50. However, some measures that can reduce this risk are avoiding overeating, especially with foods rich in nutrients, and avoiding salty foods.

6. Women should be careful with cigarettes and birth control pills:

Nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the arteries, promotes the formation of clots in the arteries, and reduces the quality of blood. The carbon oxides will disturb the body’s absorption process and facilitate the storage of cholesterol. Smokers who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke are six times more likely to develop heart disease than the general population. People with abnormal arteries before the age of 40 are usually smokers. For women who often use oral contraceptives, the risk of blood clots is also very high.

7. Weight control:

Being overweight is an important factor in high blood pressure and diabetes. To protect your health, it’s best to find ways to lose weight with exercise. Studies have shown that combining a weight-loss diet with physical activity is more effective than medication. Check your weight regularly and act when needed.

8. Eat a big  breakfast:

10 Golden Rules to Protect Your Heart

Start each day with a hearty breakfast and end the day with a small dinner. For the purpose of making up for calories overnight, a big breakfast will not make you fat because the energy of breakfast will be used by the body throughout the day. A full breakfast must include proteins found in foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs… and the carbohydrates in bread, cereals, fruits, and lipids in butter, milk, and cheese.

9. Don’t let your belly get fat:

When the body gains weight, the excess weight is often put on your belly more than elsewhere. Sometimes there are people who are not too fat but have a big belly. The layers of visceral fat, which account for about 30% of body weight, when removed will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

10. Regular exercise:

Cycling, swimming, walking… are gentle sports that require endurance and are very suitable for all ages. They help the body deliver more oxygen to the cells, make the heart work better, and improve the body’s flexibility. Exercising also helps to lose weight, and avoid high blood pressure and diabetes. Exercising half an hour a day or walking three times a week, 1 hour each time is enough to reverse all diseases.

Why Jennifer Aniston Always Look Much Younger Than Her Age

Did you notice that actress Jennifer Aniston doesn’t look like she’s aged much since her time on ‘Friends’. Here are tips for what she does to stay looking young.

To maintain a youthful appearance at the age of 52, actress Jennifer Aniston has persistently pursued a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Jennifer tries to exercise at least 5 times a week. According to Mandy Ingber, her yoga teacher of more than 15 years, they try to practice every day and 5 days a week. Eating and exercising are the keys!

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) also states that you should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise a week. Additionally, spending 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week will help you reach that goal.

Mandy also revealed that she and Jennifer cycle for 30 minutes do 40 minutes of yoga, combined with movements that help tone the muscles.

The ‘Friends’ star loves balancing moves like the tree, semicircle, and warrior pose. She also likes the plank because it’s good for her abs and biceps, according to Mandy.

For many years, the actress has tried many subjects such as barre (ballet, combined with movements of yoga and pilates), and boxing. For her, boxing is a great way to relieve pressure.

Why Jennifer Aniston Always Look Much Younger Than Her Age

Eat fresh foods, drink collagen

Jennifer Aniston avoids foods that are high in sugar. She often eats lots of organic fruits and vegetables, limits her sugar consumption, drinks plenty of water, and gets enough sleep. That’s one of her tips!
Eggs seem to be an indispensable food for Jennifer. In an interview with Elle in 2016, she said that when she wakes up, she often drinks warm lemon water followed by milkshakes or butter and eggs – one of her favorites.

Jennifer’s trainer Leyon Azubuike also encourages her to eat healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil, salmon, and fish oil. As for carbs and protein, Leyon says each person needs a different amount depending on their lifestyle.

On days when Jennifer allows herself to eat as much as she wants, she usually eats Mexican food. If she’s craving a late-night snack, cold yogurt with granola cereal is an option.

Flavorless collagen powder is favored by Jennifer. She puts the powder in her morning coffee or drinks it after exercise.

Why Jennifer Aniston Always Look Much Younger Than Her Age

Making friends with starch

Once pursuing a low-carb diet, Jennifer has now changed her attitude to bread and pasta. “Many people say no to bread, but I’m not afraid of them anymore. It’s important to eat in moderation,” she said. Actually, this viewpoint is supported by experts. You don’t have to give up carbs to eat healthily or lose weight.

Drink enough water

Coach Leyon always emphasizes the role of water in the body. He said: “The common misconception is to only replenish water when thirsty and drink until your stomach is full. If you drink a lot of water right before a workout, you will feel heavy, full, and sluggish throughout the time”. Instead, he recommends drinking water continuously throughout the day.

(According to Cosmopolitan, Insider)