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5 Secrets to Strong Bones

The adult human body is organized by a skeleton of 206 bones that protects vital organs of the body. Although that skeleton is strong, it is vulnerable to problems like osteoporosis and fractures,” said Chad Deal, director of the Center for Osteoporosis and Health Metabolism at Cleveland Clinic in the US. But if you know how to strengthen bone health now, you will reduce your risk of bone diseases later. Exercise, taking essential substances are the main tips to get strong bones that each person should not ignore.

1. Fruits and vegetables:

There have been many studies proving that eating green vegetables and fruits every day helps protect the body, skin, and especially bones very effectively. Additionally, they are helpful for strengthening bones and fighting brittle bone disease. Simultaneously, they create compounds that promote comprehensive bone protection substances.

2. Protein

Here are some benefits of protein:

  • The structure of cells and the body. For example, collagen participates in the formation of binding sites.
  • Store amino acids. For example: milk protein (casein), protein stored in plant seeds…
  • Transport of substances. Example: hemoglobin.
  • Body protection. Example: antibodies.
  • Receive information. Examples: receptors in cells.
  • Catalysts for biochemical reactions. Example: enzymes.

In the process of protecting the body, especially the bones, it is very important to provide protein every day. That’s why we need to have a healthier diet to get protein.

5 Secrets to Strong Bones
Sources of healthy protein – meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes, and grains.

3. Calcium

Research has proven that calcium deficiency is the cause of low bone density, bone loss, and fractures.

Sources of calcium: Low-fat dairy products (yogurt), canned salmon and sardines, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, nuts. To absorb calcium, you also need to provide adequate vitamins for the body. Besides fish and liver, very few foods contain natural vitamin D, so you need to look for other foods like milk, and orange juice.

Calcium is one of the most common and commonly used minerals in the human body. About 99% of the calcium in the body can be found in bones and teeth.

Calcium not only plays an essential role in bone development but also in maintaining muscle activity and blood circulation. It affects many enzyme reactions in the body. It also plays a very important role in blood clotting, in the functioning of the muscle and nervous system in general as well as the structure of the skeletal system. Calcium exists in the body mainly in the form of carbonate (CaCO3) and phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) salts, a small part in combination with proteins.

4. Exercise regularly

As you know, exercising every day will bring many great benefits to the body. Exercising at least 30 minutes a day to strengthen bones is a necessary habit to maintain and improve health effectively.

Moreover, exercising helps you prevent diseases, feel more refreshed and more energetic every day, and brings a more refreshing spirit for a long active day.

 5. Eat less salt

Some ways to limit daily salt intake:

  • Limiting eating at restaurants, cooking at home will be easier for you to control the salt content.
  • Avoid eating bacon.
  • Limit canned vegetables, frozen foods, tomato sauces and other packaged foods.
5 Secrets to Strong Bones

In today’s fast-paced life, ensuring adequate nutrition for bone health care is extremely difficult. Therefore, supplementing functional foods to ensure adequate essential nutrients for bone and teeth is extremely necessary.

What You Need To Do To Take Good Care of Your Lips!

For women, having natural red, rosy lips becomes a dream that they always want to achieve. This is understandable as dark lip color looks less fresh and reduces attractiveness. In addition, red lipstick also supports a fresher and sexier look.

So girls, if you’re looking to improve your lips health, there are a few things you can start doing right away.

Tips to Maintain Healthy Lips

Refer to tips to maintain healthy lips to stay bright and attractive as following:

1.1 Avoid tobacco, coffee, soda and alcohol

It’s a fact that coffee, soda, tobacco, and alcohol will make your lips dry. Substances like nicotine and other compounds will leave marks on the surface of your lips and cause the dead skin cells that affect the lips to look dull and black.

1.2 Avoid licking your lips

Maybe some of you do this often, but from now on you should avoid licking your lips. This habit makes the lips look wet at a glance, but after the saliva dries it will actually make it easier for the lips to dry out.

1.3 Don’t use lipstick too often

What You Need To Do To Take Good Care of Your Lips!

Undeniably red lipstick makes someone look more attractive. That’s why many women use lipstick every day to make their lips look red and bright. However, using lipstick too often will make the lips dry quickly and break easily. Especially there are some kinds of lipstick that contain harmful ingredients that can interfere with the body’s health.

1.4 Increase your fruit consumption

Vegetables and fruits play an important role in maintaining the health of our bodies. Fruits contain vitamins E and C which are most essential for the skin to keep moisture from drying out and dulling.

1.5 Breathe through your nose.

Excessive mouth breathing can dry out your lips. Try to inhale and exhale through your nose as much as you can.

If you have a cold or allergies, breathing through your nose might not be an option for you. Be sure to hydrate and moisturize your lips as much as possible to make up for your mouth breathing.

1.6 Put a humidifier in your room.

Dry air can irritate your lips. Set up a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your lips moisturized at night.

This is especially helpful if you live in a dry climate or you’re a mouth breather. If you live in a humid area already, don’t worry about setting up a humidifier.

1.7 Keep metallic items away from your lips.

If your lips are sensitive, metal can make them even more irritated. Try to keep jewelry and other metallic objects away from your mouth whenever you can.

Zippers, paper clips, and pen caps all have a tendency to irritate sensitive lip skin.

Steps to maintain red lips for a long time

2.1 Exfoliate your lips

The way to naturally redden your lips is to exfoliate them regularly. You can rub the dead skin on your lips until it comes off. This is done to get natural red lips.

Spread sugar or honey on your lips, then rub them gently. After rubbing, wipe dry. Then, apply lip balm on your lips.

2.2 Drink water

One important way to keep your lips healthy is to meet your body’s water needs. The body needs 2 to 3 liters of water per day to keep the body well hydrated. Also, reduce other drinks like coffee or alcohol.

What You Need To Do To Take Good Care of Your Lips!

2.3 Keep away from sunlight

Changes in lip color might also be caused by overexposure to sunlight. Therefore, you must use a lip balm that functions as a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. Carry a tube of lip balm with you in your pocket or purse so you can apply it whenever you need it.

Mole Removal Aftercare: What You Need to Know

After laser mole removal (usually 2-3 days), the mole will start to scab. You need not be impatient but take care of the skin properly so that the skin does not show signs of darkening and leaving scars. Here below Hairstylishes would like to share their skincare experience after laser mole removal.

Step 1: Clean your wound twice a day with diluted hydrogen peroxide solution or antibacterial water.


Step 2: Apply an antibiotic ointment to the mole after cleaning. Then cover the mole with a sterile bandage.

Step 3: Take painkillers if necessary.

Step 4: Absolutely avoid scratching or rubbing your wound while waiting for the mole to heal. As the wounds heal, they may experience an irritating itch. Apply moisturizer to the area to relieve itching.

Step 5: You can immediately return to normal activities right after the mole removal procedure on the body.

Mole Removal Aftercare: What You Need to Know

Step 6: After removing the mole, you should try to abstain from certain foods such as beef, water spinach, and sticky rice. In addition, you should avoid eggs or shrimp for about 3 months to avoid scarring.

Above is the skincare experience after laser mole removal. You are advised to choose for yourself a reliable mole removal method.

11 Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin and How To Use It

Vitamin C brings a lot of benefits to the body including our skin. If you are a beauty fanatic or wondering how to start taking care of your skin, you should not ignore this wonderful vitamin. Let’s join Hairstylishes to find out how to benefit and how to do skincare with vitamin C.

1. Benefits of Vitamin C

* Moisturizing the skin                                                    

Probably you will be very surprised to know that vitamin C has a moisturizing effect, right? The truth is that Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a derivative of vitamin C, has a water-retaining effect on the skin. This ingredient reduces transepidermal water loss, thereby helping to better retain moisture in the skin.

* Reduce redness and fade acne

Vitamin C also helps to overcome skin inflammation. It helps reduce the redness and inflammation dim bruises after acne quickly.

* Prevent sagging skin

Collagen losing will make the skin less firm, sagging and wrinkles appear. Vitamin C helps to increase collagen production, thereby preventing premature sagging of the skin.

* Safe for most skin types

Vitamin C is a relatively safe ingredient that you can add to your daily skincare routine. It is suitable for all skin types and the majority of users experience no side effects. A small number of cases have experienced mild irritation to very sensitive skin. However, this irritation is quite mild and may disappear after a period of use.

Vitamin C is also safe when combined with other skincare ingredients such as AHAs, Retinols.

11 Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin and How To Use It

* Skin Brightening

Vitamin C is well known for its skin-lightening properties. It helps to suppress the production of skin pigmentation, so the skin looks brighter.

* Reduces skin hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation caused by sunlight is very common. At that time, on the skin appear spots or brown patches that look less aesthetic. Vitamin C is an ingredient that helps prevent the activity of pigment cells. As a result, it helps to fade brown spots or patches and helps to lift skin tone.

* Wound healing

Vitamin C also helps speed up the healing process of skin lesions such as inflammation, infection, or scarring.

* Protects the skin from the sun

Sun exposure to the skin will produce many oxidizing radicals. These oxidants damage the natural collagen fibers in the skin and cause the skin to age rapidly. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Using vitamin C helps to protect the skin from damaging oxidative radicals. However, using vitamin C alone does not completely protect the skin from sun damage. You need to equip more equipment and sunscreen to protect the skin in the most perfect way.

* Soothes sunburn

Thanks to vitamin C’s red-reducing and cell-renewal effect. It helps to replace damaged cells caused by sunburn into new cells. At the same time, the red inflammation when sunburned is also significantly reduced.

* Reduces dark circles

Vitamin C helps to moisturize the sensitive skin under the eyes. In addition, it also helps to reduce dark spots in this extremely thin eye area.

11 Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin and How To Use It

* Increase collagen

Collagen is one of the important elastic fibers that make up the skin. Studies show that vitamin C is a powerful collagen stimulant.

2. How to use vitamin C serum

Although vitamin C is well tolerated by the skin, any product can cause irritation to the skin. You should adhere to the following guidelines to help you use vitamin C safely.

2.1 Before use

  • Clean. Remove makeup and wash your face before using any skincare ingredients. An effective cleansing step will help the product penetrate the skin in the best way.
  • Make sure the product is not oxidized. Vitamin C will oxidize over time. Therefore, you need to carefully check the expiry date, opening time of the bottle and the condition of the product before using. Using oxidized vitamin C will not do any good for our skin.

2.2 During Use

  • Use a small area at the start. Before using vitamin C on the whole face, you should test it on a small area of ​​skin. This helps test how your skin responds to the product. If after 24 hours you do not see any signs of irritation, you can use it all over the face.
  • Sunscreen. You should pay attention to protect the skin from the effects of the sun when using vitamin C. This helps vitamin C promote its effectiveness in the best way.

Vitamin C has many benefits for our skin. Please try using it and monitor the results achieved for your skin.

How to Make Fruit Masks At Home For Smooth White Skin Without Acne

1. Kiwi Mask

Ingredients: unsweetened yogurt, kiwi fruit

How to use: This is a great face mask for summer and very effective for tanned skin. Pulp a kiwi, mix it with 1 tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt and apply it directly to your face and neck for about 20 minutes. Remember to use your hands to gently massage for high efficiency.

2. Tomato mask for oily skin

How to Make Fruit Masks At Home For Smooth White Skin Without Acne

Ingredient: tomato

How to use: Thinly slice, (and for better effect) crush the tomato, take a cotton pad/tissue/mask to apply on the face and then cover the mixture with freshly crushed tomatoes (this mixture can be applied directly to the skin). This type of food has a gentle exfoliating effect that is very suitable for oily, combination skin.

3. Banana honey mask for acne skin

Ingredients: banana. You can also mix it with a little honey for acne skin

How to use: Crush a banana then apply directly to the cleansed face and neck for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. With acne skin, you can mix honey with antibacterial properties and do the same thing.

4. Papaya mask for healthy glowing skin

Ingredients: papaya

How to use: Crush ripe papaya and apply it on your face and gently massage for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Immediately you will feel soft, smooth skin because papaya acts as a gentle dead skin removing product.

5. Grape mask for acne-troubled skin

How to Make Fruit Masks At Home For Smooth White Skin Without Acne

Ingredients: grapes

How to use: Similar to tomato masks, you crush grapes and apply them on cleansed face, then rinse with warm water. This mask is very suitable for those who are troubled by acne.

6. Strawberry mask for dull skin

Ingredients: strawberries

How to use: Crush strawberries with a little water then apply directly to the skin. This is considered the best homemade mask in restoring dull skin.

7. Cucumber for dry skin

Ingredients: cucumber juice

How to do: You can pat cucumber juice directly on your skin, or use a cotton pad to soak up the juice and apply it on your face and neck for about 15 minutes, and then wash it off.

8. Detox mask for all skin types

Ingredients: banana, honey, yogurt, and lemon juice

How to use: Crush banana and mix it with honey, yogurt, lemon juice to make a paste. Apply directly to the neck and face. After this mixture dries, the beautician washes it off with warm water. Remember to gently massage for the detox mask to work better.

Note: The benign natural masks often have a slower effect than other skincare products. Therefore, you should be patient and do it regularly to improve your skin over time.

The 5 Best Exercises for Women Over 50

According to fitness experts, women in their 50s are not the same as they were before as their bodies are undergoing major changes to enter menopause. Therefore, choosing the right exercise for them is very important.

When you turn 50 years old, you don’t necessarily need to change too many exercise habits, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Cardiovascular exercises like walking or biking are important for maintaining heart and lung health as we age, and women over 50 should also try to incorporate strength-training activities. .

Regular exercise will help build muscle mass, along with increasing bone density which is important as you age. Exercise also helps keep women stronger and prevents injury.

In general, women over the age of 50 should try to exercise at least 1 hour per week. They are advised to incorporate 3 days a week of aerobic exercise, improve resistance, and add a few days of yoga and tai chi to stretch, strengthen and balance themselves.

There are many different types of exercise for women over 50. Alexa Rohach, a physical therapist at Providence Saint John Medical Center, Performance Health Center in Santa Monica, California said that aerobic exercise and balance exercises are both very important. Strength training builds resistance and can do a lot for their muscles. It helps to increase endurance and increase muscle strength.

Of course, every woman has different physical strengths, and different personal preferences, but experts say there are a few exercises that are best suited for women 50 and older. Here are 5 types of exercises that are suitable for women of this age to try and enhance their home workouts.

Episode planks

Plank posture helps strengthen your core. You can keep the ball, round, or tilted down while you plank.

A thick yoga mat is great while you plank (or do any kind of floor exercise). It is an essential tool for exercise for women of almost any age, but especially over 50. This will make your exercise more comfortable, and therefore will sustain your training longer.

Lunge exercises 

Lunge exercises will help you work the muscles in the lower body, helping you to have a full, toned, and healthy butt. Adding an exercise ball can help improve strength and balance. Simply holding on to the added weight of the ball can provide the same benefits as hand weights.

5 Best Exercises for Women Over 50


Walking is a great form of exercise, and adding ankle weights enhances things a bit. Ankle weights allow for increased resistance while walking. This is an easy way to burn more calories and build strength in the lower extremities. Walking with ankle weights can even help increase bone density.


Yoga is the ideal practice to help you stretch your muscles, build strength in your body, and relax your mind. The tools to support yoga practice depend on your individual needs. Exercise blocks, also known as yoga bricks, will be a great support for exercises that are difficult to balance and help you create a more comfortable pose for an aging body. You can use them to support around the hip and knee area in a number of knee bending routines that can help reduce stress on the knee joint. By leaning on a block in other movements that are difficult to balance, it will allow you to maintain the pose longer to reap the full benefits of yoga. Blocks will make yoga less intimidating and more accessible.


5 Best Exercises for Women Over 50

If you do weightlifting regularly, you can still work with low-weight dumbbells (less than 5kg), which gives you a lot of options with your training resistance. You should use them for squats, upper body presses, and biceps curls. Exercise of any weight, resistance will help strengthen bones. Carrying loads will help prevent loss of bone density as you age.


As we age, the body needs to be trained to be more flexible and agile. You should stretch all parts of your body, including large muscle groups. The tool that will greatly aid you in your stretching is an extension strap, which is especially great for working in hard-to-reach areas, like hamstrings.

4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know

The dark spots on the back are definitely the enemy of sexy, seductive backless dresses. Don’t worry if you are facing this situation. Refer to the following ways to treat back acne spots and to freely wear your favorite dresses with confidence!

In fact back skin is usually not as sensitive as facial skin. Therefore, you can use natural ingredients that are a bit strong to make the darkening removing process more effective. The ingredients below are proven to be safe and have been widely applied, so you just need to use the right dosage to get the skin whitening best method.

Method 1 – Bath with Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar contains many natural acids that have the ability to reduce inflammation caused by acne and dark spots on the skin. In addition, this material also has the effect of making the skin smoothier if used regularly. Because of its mild acidity, apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted with water before using directly on sensitive skin and you should limit sexy clothes,and avoid sunlight while using apple cider vinegar.

4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know

How to do:

  • Mix vinegar with clean water in the ratio 1:4.
  • Mix this solution with bath water, don’t worry about the smell because it will quickly go away.
  • Replace regular shower gel with apple cider vinegar for 1 month, you will get a smooth and seductive back.

Method 2 – Mixture of lemon + honey

Lemon works to treat back dark acne effectively thanks to the Vitamin C abundant, combined with hydrogen peroxide in honey to help quickly heal wounds due to acne, reduce darkening without damaging the skin.
With the strong acidity of lemon, you should only use it once or twice a week in the evening. Also, you need to carefully cover your back when going out to avoid being burned in the sun.

  • How to do:
  • Mix lemon and honey in the ratio 1:1.
  • Dip a thin slice of lemon in the mixture and rub the dark spots on your back for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Method 3 – Sea salt for acne treatment and skin exfoliation

Sea salt is extremely famous for removing dead cells on the skin and making the skin softer and brighter. Besides, sea salt also works against acne bacteria, cleans the skin, and make the acne marks ‘fly away’ very effectively.

How to do:

  • Sea salt can be used directly on the skin or diluted with a little water.
  • Use a soft, thin towel to soak up salt water and rub evenly on ​​​​the skin with dark spots and acne.
  • Massage gently for about 5-10 minutes to help remove dead cells and improve blood circulation.
  • Rinse off with clean cool water.
  • Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying out.

Method 4 – Treatment of back acne with turmeric

Turmeric is known as one of the effective ingredients in the treatment of acne due to its high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (thanks to Curcumin).

4 Effective Ways To Treat Back Acne At Home Every Girl Needs To Know

How to do:

  • Cut turmeric into slices and rub it on the acne-affected skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Shower again and rinse with cool water.

If the bruise is quite dark, try combining it with lemon juice because the acidity of the lemon will make the dark layer dry and peel off faster. You should only use the mixture about once a week.

  • Puree fresh turmeric or turmeric powder mix with lemon juice into a slightly thick paste.
  • Apply in a dark area for about 10 minutes.

With the acne treatments above, acne scars will quickly disappear. Although the skin is not as sensitive as the face, you still need to be careful when using natural ingredients to get the best results. Follow Hairstylishes.com every day to update super cool natural beauty secrets!

Japanese Women’s Facial Care – The Secret To Ageless Beauty


Japanese women are often described as having perfect, radiant, youthful skin, which has long been considered as the role model for Asian skin. So how can they maintain beautiful, vibrant skin, even as they age? What secrets do they have that are different from the rest of us to be able to maintain such great skin? Let’s refer to the facial skin care of Japanese women below to achieve beautiful, flawless skin like theirs!

Japanese skin care principle: Do not use many skin care products at the same time

Japanese women tend to use simple skincare methods, and they don’t use many different products at the same time. Usually, they use mild and unscented facial cleansers to remove oil and sebum from their faces and keep them moisturized. Then use moisturizing oils made from natural ingredients such as rice bran, red beans, kelp, and green tea extracts… Using a night cream is also a favorite way to take care of the facial skin of Japanese women.

Do not use a lot of makeup products

Japanese women rarely abuse makeup products, and facial care products are often chosen carefully by them. With their perfect skin, makeup products are considered an unnecessary addition. Makeup tends to clog pores and adds a layer of byproducts on the skin. Therefore, Japanese women often try to make up as light as possible.

Use oil products only for facial care

While most of us choose oil-free skin care products, Japanese women, on the other hand, prefer products in the form of “oil” for skincare. They use a facial oil to clean and moisturize because facial oil can dissolve oil and dirt on the face easily. It should be noted that these are natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil, not products containing mineral oil, which are known to clog pores and leave a layer of residue that we need another detergent to remove.

Japanese Women's Facial Care - The Secret To Ageless Beauty

Facial cleansing routine every night

This is a law of simple facial care that all Japanese women will follow. They regularly cleanse the face and keep the skin fresh and clean before going to bed, the time when the skin “rests and breathes”.

Hats and coats are prior to sunscreen

Yes, that’s true. If they were given a choice, Japanese women wouldn’t put a layer of sunscreen on their faces. Instead of sitting out in direct sunlight, they would wear a wide hat and a UV umbrella to shield their skin from the sun. 

Pat your skin, don’t rub it!

You can invest in expensive beauty products on the market, but the secret to youthful skin is mostly technical. Most of us are taught how to use skincare products with our fingers, massaging our face in a circular motion, right? As for Japanese women, they have their own way. Instead of “rubbing and rubbing” like us, they “slap” on the face gently, slowly, then gently stroke the skin while applying the product on the face. This seems to help increase blood circulation, speeding up skin rejuvenation.

Japanese Women's Facial Care - The Secret To Ageless Beauty

Use antioxidant green tea as a long-lasting youthful facial skin care

Not only choosing skincare products made from green tea, but Japanese women also drink a lot of green tea as well as use similar products. Green tea contains antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin from UV rays, which are one of the main causes of wrinkles and pigmentation.

Keeping the mind relaxed is a very important way of facial skin care for Japanese women

The beauty of Japanese women is not only reflected in the skin. They make themselves beautiful in the most comfortable way. Stress is the number one enemy of beautiful skin. Therefore, Japanese women attach great importance to maintaining balance-what the Japanese call “Mie-nai Osharé” which translates as “unseen beauty (or hidden beauty)”.

Eating a lot of fish is a popular Japanese way of facial skin care  

Unlike Western food which is mainly red meat, fried foods, and high sugar drinks, the Japanese eat a lot of seafood (fish, shrimp, seaweed, etc.) Essential oils, fatty acids, and nutrients – all contribute to the maintenance of youthful skin. Japanese women follow a diet that contains a variety of fish, seafood, and seaweed.

So, if you want to know the Japanese women’s facial care tips, start by filling your fridge with seafood, green tea and applying the above principles. Your skin will soon be beautiful, radiant, and youthful, definitely!

10 Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes Everyday

The eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body. If we don’t care for our eyes properly, eye problems such as impaired vision, conjunctivitis will occur…. Refer to the following article for proper eye care.

1. Rule 20-20-20

Working, frequent exposure to digital screens or computers will cause fatigue and dry eyes. The screens of digital devices are especially harmful to the eyes, and too much exposure can lead to visual impairment.

To improve this situation, follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes of work, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. In addition, the screen should be placed so that the center of the screen is lower than eye level, and the sitting posture is comfortable.

2. Always wear sunglasses

In addition to causing damage to the skin, UV rays are also very harmful to the eyes. Eyes exposed to direct sunlight for a long time can cause problems such as cataracts, corneal burns, even eyelid cancer. So regularly wear sunglasses when going out even when it’s cloudy to block 99% to 100% of UV-A and UV-B rays. In addition to sunglasses, you can also wear a wide-brimmed hat when going out in the sun to block UV-A, UV-B rays. 

10 Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes Everyday

In addition to wearing sunglasses, always use safety glasses when working or playing. Nearly half of eye injuries occur at work. Safety glasses can help prevent foreign objects, toxic substances from affecting the eyes. It is recommended to choose glasses made of polycarbonate plastic – to increase impact resistance more than 10 times compared to other materials.

3. Supplementing with adequate nutrients

Supplementing with foods that enhance blood circulation is very good for the eyes and vision. Choose foods like citrus fruits, whole grains, and dark green vegetables. Add foods rich in zinc such as peas, red meat, oysters, poultry to your diet.

Eat vegetables that help increase strength such as carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli … to provide vitamin A to help improve eyesight. Other nutrients that promote eye health include beta-carotene (found in yellow and orange fruits), lutein, and zeaxanthin.

4. Regular eye care

If your eyes are itchy or red, use eye drops to soothe them. If an object like sand enters the eye, rinse it with dilute saline or eye drops. If the eyes have symptoms such as: light sensitivity, pus discharge, frequent aches and pains, immediately go to a reputable eye clinic for examination and treatment. 

5. Correct use of contact lenses

If you use contact lenses, clean them regularly and wash your hands before using them. Note: Only clean contact lenses with specialized water. Clean, wash, and dry contact lenses after each use. Also, replace contact lenses every two to three months.

Do not wear contact lenses while swimming or in direct contact with detergents. Do not wear contact lenses for too long, do not wear glasses when sleeping (including napping).

10 Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes Everyday

6. Take care of your body’s health

Some diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes can affect eye health. These two diseases can reduce blood flow to the eyes. Immune system disorders in the lungs, thyroid gland, can also be a precursor to eye diseases.

Regularly take care of your body health, exercise more often, have a reasonable work and rest regime to avoid the above diseases. Also, you should consult an ophthalmologist if you have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure.

7. Correct use of medications

Certain medications when taken by mouth or when combined with other medications can affect vision. Please read carefully the side effects of the drugs before using them. See an eye doctor if you notice problems such as dry or watery eyes, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, etc. while using the medicine. 

8. Do not use old mascara

Liquid or cream cosmetics are a good environment for bacteria to grow. Therefore, you should not use cosmetics for too long, especially you should change your mascara every 3 months of use. If you have an eye infection, stop using eye makeup and see an ophthalmologist immediately for examination and treatment.

Regularly check the ingredients of eye makeup products, use a test on your wrist first to check if you are allergic to that cosmetic or not. Never share cosmetics with other people, when applying makeup, avoid getting cosmetics directly into the eyes.

9. Don’t smoke

Cigarette smoke increases your risk of developing cataracts and dries out your eyes…. Smoking also increases plaque buildup in blood vessels, weakening arteries, which can damage the retina and cause vision loss.

10. Regular eye exams

In addition to taking care of eye health, regular eye exams also help detect early signs of eye disease for timely treatment. Many eye diseases often have no obvious symptoms in their early stages. An example is a glaucoma, a common cause of vision loss in the elderly.

In the early stages of the disease, there is no pain, only when the impaired vision is detected, it is too late, because the vision that has been lost cannot be restored. Therefore, regularly visit a specialist eye hospital for regular eye exams once a year for people under 40 years old and twice a year for people over 40 years old.

Tips for naturally pink lips

Having beautiful pink lips without makeup is the dream of many girls. To help you make that dream come true, we have listed 6 super simple home tips to help you get naturally pink lips. Let’s get started!

1. How to make lips pink with brown sugar and honey

One of the main reasons why lips become darker is due to the accumulation of dead cells. Therefore, natural exfoliating mixtures are quite effective in sloughing off dead skin, leaving lips smooth and soft.

Brown sugar and honey is a hugely popular at-home scrub that’s effective enough without causing any discomfort.

Sugar is rich in antioxidants that help protect lips from sun damage. Sugar contains glycolic acid that conditions the lips and prevents them from environmental toxins.

The enzymes present in honey help lighten the color of the lips. Honey is also a moisturizing ingredient that helps soften lips and reduce flaking.

Tips for naturally pink lips


  • Take 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (or white sugar) and 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • You just need to mix the ingredients together to rub it on your lips.
  • Application time is about 1-2 minutes.
  • Then rinse with plain water.

Although exfoliating is great, you should not do it too often as it will make the skin of the lips more sensitive. Therefore, you should only apply this tip about twice a week to get satisfactory results.

2. Beetroot juice lip balm

If you’ve ever eaten beetroot, you’ve probably noticed that it makes your lips, tongue, or everything in contact turn pink. Beets have natural red pigments that give lips a rosy glow.

In addition to being a natural red pigment, beets are also a great exfoliator. When you rub it on your lips, the ingredients in this root help remove dead cells and give lips a smooth glow.


The simplest way is to cut a slice of fresh beetroot and rub it on your lips for 1-2 minutes. In addition, you can squeeze beetroot juice and mix it with a moderate amount of pure honey to apply to the lips.

Since beetroot and honey are all-natural, you can apply this mixture to your lips and leave it on overnight.

3. How to make pink lips with turmeric powder and fresh milk

Turmeric is very popular folk medicine, turmeric is also used as an ingredient in many cosmetics to treat melasma, scars, and brighten skin. Curcumin in turmeric combined with fresh milk is a good suggestion to help you fade dark lips.

You should use turmeric starch instead of fresh turmeric or turmeric because it will reduce yellow stains after washing. Moreover, turmeric has a much higher curcumin content and is removed from impurities, so the effect will be much better.

Tips for naturally pink lips


  • Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of fresh milk to form a paste.
  • Apply this mixture on your lips and keep it for about 10 minutes.
  • When the mixture on the lips dries, rinse gently with warm water, then apply a lip balm to moisturize the lips.
  • Do 2-3 times per week to feel the significant change.

4. How to make pink lips with strawberries

Strawberries are a natural berry that is rich in vitamin C that help to brighten lips.

It is for this reason that many lip balms on the market come in strawberry flavors. To get the best benefits from strawberries, you can apply them directly to your lips.


  • Very simple! You just need to mash a ripe strawberry and add 1/2 teaspoon of honey, you can add 2-3 drops of olive oil if desired.
  • Mix the mixture and apply to the lips.
  • Repeat 3-4 times a week.

5. How to make lips pink with pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate seeds contain a compound called puritanical that inhibits the production of the skin pigment melanin. This is beneficial in preventing the lips from darkening when exposed to the sun.


  • Separate the pomegranate seeds from 1/4 pomegranate and puree the seeds.
  • Apply the pureed pomegranate seeds to your lips and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water after it dries.
  • You can do this trick daily or apply it 3 times per week to get positive results.
Tips for naturally pink lips

6. How to make lips pink with lemon and almond oil

Lemon juice is a bleaching agent that helps lighten skin naturally. Lemon juice is also safe to apply on many skin types.

To prevent your lips from drying out, a good moisturizer like sweet almond oil is required. Sweet almond oil hydrates your lips from within and even helps brighten skin.


  • Squeeze 1/2 lemon and mix well with 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Apply the mixture on your lips and massage gently.
  • For best results, leave the mixture on your lips overnight. Repeat this process every night for 3 to 4 weeks to notice a significant change.